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Welham-Welham Discover Your Roots


too great are you
you have changed altogether
your soul and role
true chamelion dear are you.
True is what
that I hear
you sprang out from the womb of the humanitarian-conviction
to kickstart women’s education in order to bring them
to the light of civilization from the sphere of utter-darkness.
But today you have undergone whole hearted change
rather, out of question for someone to recognize you
as you were when you took birth.
You have become
unfourtunately unholy
forgetteng your sacred goal
you have just become
money-minting machine
entertaining rich girls to quench undying thirst for money.
I don’t think now
you are for those
for whom you were born indeed.
Alas! you have lost
holy-warmth for upliftment of the poor girls
who need you badly even today
in the name of whom
you have flourished beyond limits.

Virendra Dev Gaur (Veer Jhuggiwala)

Chief Editor (NWN)

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