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Trump A Distinguished Peace Maker

trump moon kim

सावित्री पुत्र वीर झुग्गीवाला द्वारा रचित- 
Virendra Dev Gaur Chief Editor (NWN)

It is far from easy to become a war-hero
it is too far from critical to become a peace-hero
it is too common to charge the clouds of war
it is too extraordinary to dismantle the rising dust of war
unfortunately, people portray you as an ordinary president
probably for your un-usual zeal and un-usual decent.
Unmindful are those who fail to judge you
prejudiced are those who don’t praise you
your heart is pre-occupied with deep love for your great country
you look determined yet to raise your country
you kindled the hopes in estranged Kim-Moon-Trump zone
you emerged out of it alike a successful universal don.
Knotty was the case Mr President Donald Trump
while North Korea was creating lot of bump
We Whole heartedly hail you for your enduring patience
we recall great presidents like George Washington and Abraham Lincoln in the true sense
America and Bharat (India) have some common temperament
we sensibly hope the two together improve socio-political environment of the world.

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