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Rajnath’s Home Ministry Near-Reflection Of Patel’s Profile


सावित्री पुत्र वीर झुग्गीवाला द्वारा रचित- 
Virendra Dev Gaur Chief Editor (NWN)

Naxals are beating a hasty retreat
sharp decline is being observed in their usual heat
Rajnath is occupying the commanding seat
unlike previous regime which was indecisive and sweet
Modi’s regime is dominant and discrete
hopefully Modi-Rajnath duo ought to achieve a feat.
Naxals spread their roots and bloody arms in weak regimes
Jihadis in kashmir did the same to fulfil thier bigotic dreams
now it is Modi’s rule being blamed for all sorts of non-performances
grave blunders of past sixty-years or so have assumed disastrous proportions
kashmir is now Jihad’s advance-laboratory of centuries old extremism
duet is exercising much courage in violence inflicted areas
certainly Ajit Dobhal apparently owns some credit for this patriotism.
Nobody sings them the songs of gay
killers of terrorists both naxals and Jihadis deserve pray
trio is fighting hard to eliminate Ravans of today
Lord Ram and Lord Sri Krishna did the same centuries ago
Ashok Chakra to Pramod Kumar Satpathi posthumously
who laid down his life for the country ten years ago
counter-attacking deadly Maoist naxals on rampage the enemies of our republic
honouring brave officer Satpathi from Odisha is praiseworthy on behalf of Rajnath
let’s pledge to wipe-out these from the face of the mother earth
who blindly believe in innocent’s blood-bath.

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