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Hardy Ramanujan

From London to Chennai Ramanujan’s mathematical miracles still reverberate

Hardy Ramanujan


B. of Journalism
M.A, English & Hindi
सावित्री पुत्र वीर झुग्गीवाला द्वारा रचित- 
Virendra Dev Gaur Chief Editor (NWN)

 Ramanujan an un-revered god of maths

   (Ramanujan-22 December 1887-26 April 1920)

Re-incarnation of Aryabhatt i sincerely judge
who invented zero the gravitational-centre of the Maths as a whole
sometimes , i think even greater than him
undoubtedly the greatest Mathematician soul
not only that of the century-twenty but present-one sole
credit goes to English mathematician G.H Hardy for this all
who brought the matchless genius to light from the long dark-tunnel of anonymity
great human-being and great mathematician at the university of cambridge, England
Srinivasan Ramanujan was the greatest Mathematician of modern Bharat my motherland.
But, frankly and sadly to say
my own motherland lacks the heart of G.H Hardy the great
no prime minister, no governor, no chief minister and no professor
who could even travel the depth of Ramanujan’s big-bank of unthinkable works
works that fertilized the maths in all directions possible to flourish and expand
works that still provide a huge fertile-ground for research and results
but, my country is wholly lost in petty-politics and dirty-selfish guts.
Every college of science and maths must have a Ramanujan research centre
every engineering college must have an advanced Ramanujan’s works’ centre
Ramanujan had compiled 3900 results independently in the bright sphere of maths
his ground-breaking new theorems, identities, equations and partition formulae
Ramanujan-theta-function, mock-theta-function, many-many more yet to count
breathtaking inventions and discoveries need the humanity abound
my countrymen just remember this man Ramanujan is Lord Ram of the lively-spectrum of maths around
physically lived just 32, unfortunately, but his invisible arms are even today
wide-open to embrace us to uplift maths we all surround further and further and…………………

                                                                                         -जय भारत

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