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Whole world must unite to foil Dragonistan’s aggression


economic and territorial imperialism of Dragonistan is rampant

Bad, rather very bad children of great confucius
you have been lost into the cruel world of communists so deep
you have forgotten even the teachings of Lord Buddha
which were sent you through the ancient silk routes by us
infact, what you did is even far deadlier than the blind-Jihad
perhaps, while crushing Muslims in your country to dust
lethal idea came to your dirty mind
therefore, you transformed an anti-human virus into today’s invincible corona
basically, the virus was wild but now it is your pet
no doubt, securing motivation from Uigur Muslims
implementing it worldwide and doing neo-jihadi-terrorism
you thought, you must de-stablize regimes of the world
creating anarchy and confusion both
taking maximum benefits by doing maximum harm to your enemies
shockingly, you manipulated the WHO to fulfil your demonic-dreams
America is at receiving end the most, as a result
almost all, who can stare straight into your eyes are stumbling.
But, dear culprit Dragonistan
Bharat produced an extra-ordinary genius called Chanakya
who, stands un-matched even today
who had visualised international politics two thousand three hundred years ago
stands taller to anyone in the world
so, some of we people of Bharat
understand you very well
you can go to any extent to meet out your greeds.
Stop inciting Nepal in the name of comradership
you destroyed Tibet
now you want to destroy Nepal
only, America knows how to teach you a lesson
but, he is not using all of his potential
perhaps, owing to lack of concentration against you
American stock-markets have started showing you doors
America must empower Taiwan and co-operate Bharat with healthy mindset
be-friending Japan intensely against you
you must be dragged out of the permanent security council, permanently
a rascal like you must be pushed to the extreme edge
using economic-weapons by the world-community.
American leaders must rise above parties concerned
co-operate Bharat and de-moralise rogue states
states, which are anti-world peace from their hearts
Jihadistan and Dragonistan form an axis
which poses serious threat to the world peace
North Korea is not as dangerous as these rogues
Modi is here so awake the good world my dear
overhaul the entire UNO and cure the disease
the disease which is known as ‘Jihadistan-Dragonistan’ notorious axis.
                                        -सावित्री पुत्र वीर झुग्गीवाला, स्वतंत्र पत्रकार, देहरादून।


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