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invester meet

capital gears up to host successful and far-reaching Investors-meet

invester meet

सावित्री पुत्र वीर झुग्गीवाला द्वारा रचित- 
Virendra Dev Gaur Chief Editor (NWN)

Much awaited “ Investors-meet” of “ Badri- Kedar” Pradesh
holy month of October offers spiritual enthusiasm and courage
vibrant and objective approach of central leadership at this stage
all out efforts and streamlined exercise apparent of the state
rather peaceful environment and growing connectivity at steady rate
ought to open optimistically investments floodgate.
Department of infrastructure is at work
Department of tourism is a wide-frame work
ever expanding industrial base needs speedy network
Modi and Rawat seem together doing bulwark
come investors come please don’t shirk
Badri-Kedar Pradesh is the heaven for production-work
but, please never forget about eco-friendly home-work
people welcome you heartily as they need employment and progressive footwork.

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